
Thumbnail image for changelog item

A fresh new look

We’re live with our official rename, our new brand, and new website. You can read more about it here.


As a part of this launch, we’re releasing our first version of our documentation where you can read about Dopt concepts, how to get started, and how to use Dopt to more easily develop onboarding and engagement flows.

Improved concept naming

We renamed some concepts in our application to make them easier to understand. Journeys are now Flows. Entry blocks are now start blocks. Entry conditions are now targeting rules. Model blocks are now step blocks.

Other improvements & fixes

  • User and Flow tables are now paginated, helping to reduce load times.
  • We now support null user property values in user identification and targeting rules.
  • The React SDK now gives better API key error messages when you enter a wrong key.
  • Improved loading states across the app.

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Segment user identification integration

You can now set up Dopt as a destination for user identification from Segment. As you send new identify() calls to Segment, users will be created or updated in Dopt. This enables you to track and target users when using Dopt to develop onboarding and engagement experiences. Read the docs →

Other improvements & fixes

  • Dopt now has two separate API Keys: blocks API key and users API key. The vlocks API key is used to integrate with @dopt/react and the users API key is used to send requests to our users API. Using two keys is more secure because the blocks API key is visible in the front-end.
  • URLs now direct you to the exact page copied from, enabling you to save and share URLs.
  • You’ll now be redirected to the latest active page after logging out and then logging back in.

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Introducing Dopt

Welcome! Here’s what’s available in the first version of Dopt:

  • Collaboratively define onboarding and engagement experience targeting and logic in the flow canvas using start, step, and finish blocks
  • React SDK to access and manipulate Step block state, abstracting away complex customer data and business logic making it easier to develop onboarding
  • Identify API to send customer data to Dopt to power targeting and visibility
  • Visibility into user’s properties and state for each flow (in progress, finished, exited)
  • Ability to reset user’s state for a flow for easy testing
  • Documentation to help you get started

Sign up for a free account

Other improvements & fixes

  • Start block targeting rules are now shown on the Flow canvas
  • Added Owner field to Flows
  • Added Last Encountered property to blocks
  • Added global error handling and more descriptive error messages
  • Major performance update that reduce response time of APIs