AI-powered user assistance

Help more users succeed with our toolkit for building
AI-powered personalized and contextual experiences.
In-app help screenshotCopilot screenshotSpotlight screenshot

Let users highlight any part of your app to instantly receive assistance.
Stop manually creating tooltips, our AI does the work for you.

Play with a real example

Point at anything. Get remarkably relevant assistance.

Start here!
Pointer emoji
More than just a chatbot

Build seamless in-product AI assistance

Pre-built components and flexible SDKs

Easily get started with our customizable components or build any type of assistance with our hooks and your components.

Dopt contextual assistant SDK and component

Contextually aware

In-app context paired with your custom LLM delivers remarkably relevant assistance.

Page, source, and screen context going into the AI assistant
Coming soon

Take action

Enable AI to suggest product actions to help users discover more value and complete their tasks.

Assistant actions


Learn how your users are using AI, monitor usage, and understand AI response quality.

Assistant analytics
How it works

Product adoption, reimagined

1. Train your model

Add sources to create your custom model.

Documentation, website, help center, and blog sources

2. Add actions

Navigation, tours, API calls — anything!

Navigate to settings action

3. Build into your app

SDKs & APIs to build native AI assistance.

Install SDKs with npm